Greensward Surgery now offers SystmOnline access which allow patients to book routine GP appointments online, as well as the option to cancel appointments. You can request repeat prescriptions online and also view your summary care record. Through the SystmOnline app you are able to update your contact details, book appointments, request repeat prescriptions, view your medical record and more. If you are unable to use any of these features it will be because your GP practice has not yet made them available to you.
SystmOnline allows patients access to booking and cancelling appointments, ordering repeat prescriptions and access to their Summary Record. When you receive these details, follow the link on the home page of our website to SystmOne to log in. You will also be able to change your password to something more memorable. The developer will be required to provide privacy details when they submit their next app update. SystmOnline gives you as a patient, easier access to your GP and medical data, allowing you to conveniently manage your healthcare.
The practice encourages all patients over the age of 16 years to register for SystmOnline. sgatonline Access to the system is via username and password to ensure patient confidentiality.